Yes, time is flying and once again we present the next issue of Œ Magazine. Eleven different paper qualities, an open-stitched binding in two colours and as the icing on the cake a holographic diffraction foil on the cover, we can’t ask for more! Surpassing the everyday standards in production, we are happy to work with experts Heenemann Druck and bookbinder Reinhart & Wasser. Production nerds, please enjoy some images of printing, binding and finishing!



Thanks to everybody who joined to celebrate the release of Œ #2 at voo store. And a special thanks to the wonderful Almdudlerdern for yodeling along!

Photos: Christian Smirnow


We´re happy to finally hold it in our hands, Berlin say hello to a new magazine which is dedicated to your vivid and complex fashion scene! Instead of trying to describe what’s going on fashionwise in our capital, we thought we’d better just show it! 10 fashion editorials present different facets with their pure images. Designwise we worked with a lot of paper qualities for the spreads, to enhance their look with a matching feel. A big thanks to Arne who initiated Œ Magazine and all the people who helped us with the financing part. Check out all participating photographers, stylists and hair & make-up artists here. We look forward to working on Œ number 2!

UPDATE: If you want to see Œ Magazine on TV click here!


When you work on a project for several months you can get quite excited when it finally assumes shape. This morning the dummy for Œ Magazine arrived at our office – check out all the lovely paper qualities!


Together with more than 30 photographers, stylists, hair & make-up artists and models we were part of a fun project during the last weeks. We took care of the visual concept and layout of »Œ Magazine«, which is a new fashion magazine that focuses on Berlin’s fashion scene. The magazine is non-commercial and is in parts financed by crowdfunding. Check out the project’s campaign video here on WeFund and if you like it, feel free to support a good cause!

Contributing photographers: Amos Fricke, Dirk Merten, Lars Borges, Christoph Schemel, Andreas Lux, Jochen Arndt, Rachel de JoodeClément Martz

Contributing stylists: Christian Stemmler, Christof PostRainer Metz, Åsa Lundström, Brenda Barr, Antje Gohlke, MAVEN, Julian Zigerli

Contributing hair & make-up artists: Alexander Soltermann, Henriette Höft, Manuela Kopp, Miriam Jochims